Akinox Participated in the Performance and Value of Data Conference
For the first time, Akinox participated in the Performance et valorisation des données (Performance and Value of Data) Conference organized by Groupe...

5 (+1) Reasons to Love the Worklife at Akinox
Our Values Based on People | Expertise, authentic communication and shared values are essential to achieving Akinox’s goals.

Akinox’s 2021 Retrospective in 10 Key Moments
2021 was a big year for Akinox. Learn the highlights, from continuing the technological fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to supporting the Québec...

Akinox Among the Big Players in the Healthcare Industry
Akinox was honored to participate in the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI) general membership meeting that took place last June and in the NASEM...

Québec City Healthcare Industry Forum
During the 15th edition of the Québec City Healthcare Industry Forum (QCHIF) in December 2021 and organized by Québec International and the Québec...

Akinox and Movember
Created by the Movember Foundation, this annual international event encourages men of all ages to grow a mustache to raise awareness about men’s...